Thursday, September 4, 2008

Day Three

We rode the metro to downtown Minneapolis for the lunch event given by Lt. Gov. Ron Ramsey. It was on the roof of a very fancy restaurant. Melissa visits with the Kuhns and Jerry Bowen, members of the Tennessee delegation.

The view from the rooftop

Nathan Guinn, Stephen Sebastian and Chip Saltsman discussing politics with the Lt. Governor

This little band of musicians walked past while we were on the roof

Melissa and State Senator Jamie Woodson
After the luncheon, we had another Tennesse delegation event given by our U.S. Senators. It was at the Museum of Science, overlooking the Mississippi River.
Bob Corker speaks
Senator Alexander
Both of Tennessee's Senators
As usual, there was plenty of food... ...and live musicThe river from the balcony

Senator Corker with some ladies from the Republican Federation of Women

The third session of the convention

California Representative Abel Maldonado gives a rousing speech
Mr. Hardin let me use his floor pass tonight. Here's the view from the Tennessee delegation area.
Mike Williams of Texas
Bob Dole came past while I was on the floor
Part of the delegation from American Samoa
Sean Hannity greets fans before he goes on the air
The great Michael Steele of Maryland
We really enjoyed his speech

Mike Huckabee gets a huge welcome from the crowd

Here's the video of his speech

Sarah and Janet Huckabee (second and third from left) watch Gov. Huckabee speak
Rudy Giuliani's speech was terrific!

Listening to "America's Mayor" - Gov. and Mrs. Huckabee, Mrs. Giuliani and Roberta McCain in the back and Cindy McCain and the Palins in front
Sarah Palin comes out to give her acceptance speech
A very excited crowd
Little Piper Palin holding baby Trig
The Palins on stage

John McCain on stage for the first time!Piper is so cute

The convention roll call

John McCain was nominated, of course!