Monday, August 25, 2008

2008 Republican National Convention Program Themes and Speaker Lineup

The RNC will begin one week from today! For those who are interested, the official program of the convention and a preliminary list of speakers is as follows:

Monday, September 1st - Service

John McCain's commitment to his fellow Americans, a commitment forged in service to his country, is one of the defining hallmarks of his life. Monday's events will highlight John McCain's record of service and sacrifice and reflect his commitment to serving a cause greater than one's own self-interest.

Monday's speakers include:

Senator Joe Lieberman

Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger

Vice President Dick Cheney
First Lady Laura Bush
President George W. Bush

Tuesday, September 2nd - Reform

John McCain's life is a testament to the fundamental truth that every American can be a force for change. A restless reformer who has dedicated his career to taking on special interests and the status quo, John McCain will deliver the right kind of change and reform to meet the great challenges of our time. On Tuesday, the convention program will underscore his vision of a government that is transparent, principled and worthy of the American people it serves.

Speakers will include:

Former Mayor Rudy Giuliani

Former Governor Mike Huckabee

Former Governor Tom Ridge

Governor Sarah Palin

Governor Jon Huntsman

Rosario Marin, California Secretary of the State and Consumer Services Agency and former Treasurer of the United States

Former Senator Fred Thompson

Governor Linda Lingle

Former Lt. Governor Michael Steele

Wednesday, September 3rd - Prosperity

Wednesday's program will focus on John McCain's plans to get our economy back on track and continue our long tradition of meeting the challenges we face and using our prosperity to help others. The day will conclude with an address by the vice presidential nominee.

Speakers on Wednesday will include:

Senator Norm Coleman

Meg Whitman, National Co-Chair for McCain 2008

Carly Fiorina, Victory '08 Chairman for the RNC

Former Governor Mitt Romney

Cindy McCain

Governor Bobby Jindal

Vice Presidential Nominee

Thursday, September 4th - Peace

John McCain understands the challenges that America faces in the world and the sacrifice necessary to defend our freedom in a way that few others can fathom. Thursday's events will reflect his vision of an America in pursuit of peace and seen as a beacon of goodwill and hope throughout the world. The evening will close with John McCain accepting the Republican Party's nomination for the Presidency of the United States.

Speakers on Thursday will include:

Governor Tim Pawlenty

Governor Charlie Crist

Senator Sam Brownback

Senator Mel Martinez

Final Speaker: Presidential Candidate John McCain

1 comment:

Unknown said...

We'll enjoy watching your posts from the convention! Thanks for all your efforts. This is truly a once-in-a-lifetime experience. Enjoy!! Tia & Jack